Witness to Catholic Education

I consider myself a diligent witness to catholic education by holding my position proudly at St. Michael's School in Bow Island and showing up to work everyday with new and exciting things to share with my students.  I aim to involve parents as much as possible in their children's education as it allows me to also witness my faith to them.

In the small rural community where I work, simply choosing to send my own children and personally finding my employment in Catholic Education is an impactful statement to those around me. 

I was baptized as an adult as is the practice at my church, the Evangelical Free Church, according to scripture. This involved sharing my testimony with our congregation and a subsequent full submersion in water to parallel the washing of my sins, and a new forgiven "me" emerging from the water, still aware of my sinful nature but willing to let Jesus bear it if only I love Him and try my best to live for Him. This was on January 4, 2004 with Pastor Mike DeRidder presiding.

I have attended all the Holy Spirit Faith Mentorship meetings (with the exception of one on account of sickness) and found these to be challenging, supportive and enlightening experiences, allowing me to witness my faith, question some of my perspectives and find support for permeating my faith further into my teaching.
Me and four other Faith Mentorship colleagues with our fearless leader in back

I believe the best form of witnessing God's love is not by preaching or fanciful writing but through actions.   Please refer to these links to see more of how I witness through action.

Teaching the Faith

Practicing the Faith

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